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Responsibly Compliance structure and whistleblower system

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The basis of sustainable compliance management is the development of efficient and transparent compliance structures. HOWOGE has the following committees.

Steering Committee

The Compliance Steering Committee is the main body that supports the company management in monitoring and developing the value-based compliance management system. The status of the compliance program, compliance communication, compliance-relevant recommendations from the audit department and the results of external audits of HOWOGE's value-based compliance management system are discussed in regular meetings. The Steering Committee also develops recommendations for action for the company.

Task Force

The task force is a small committee made up of selected members of the steering committee. The task force meets ad hoc in the event of a possible compliance violation, examines it and, if necessary, makes a recommendation for further action.

Compliance Officer

The compliance officer and a consultant supporting her are the contact point for all questions and information relating to compliance. Her job is to raise awareness among all employees of the company about the issues of corruption prevention and compliance risks and to provide regular training. Against the backdrop of constantly changing external conditions, she is jointly responsible for the further development of the value-based compliance management system and provides advice and support in the integration of compliance into day-to-day business.


The HOWOGE ombudsperson is available to all HOWOGE employees and external persons as a contact person outside of HOWOGE. The focus of the work is on cases of doubt/conflict, questions about the legality of personal behavior and clarification of facts. The ombudsperson treats the information received as strictly confidential in accordance with the lawyer's obligation to secrecy and thus preserves the anonymity of the person being discussed.

Whistleblower system

The compliance officer and the ombudsman are part of the whistleblower system established by HOWOGE, which takes into account the requirements of the EU Whistleblower Directive.

Both employees and external third parties have the opportunity to contact the designated contact persons directly with information about corruption, economic crimes or other serious violations of the law.

With the introduction of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), the legislator has created the framework for responsible and sustainable value creation along the entire supply chain.

To ensure that the LkSG is complied with in our own business area and in the supply chain, we have a complaints procedureThe two reporting channels mentioned above also function as complaints offices. Indications of human rights and environmental risks as well as violations of human rights or environmental obligations can be reported there.

If you are looking for an apartment, you can find all available apartments in our apartment search. We have also prepared further information about our rental process. For rental contract matters, please contact our customer center directly at

Your contacts

Bild –
Marie-Luise Schneider Compliance Officer
Bild –
Dr. Kathrin Niewiarra Lawyer/ Ombudsman

Law firm for commercial criminal law Attorneys at law Elke Schäfer Philippistr. 11 | 14059 Berlin

Pursuant to Section 19 of the Whistleblower Protection Act of May 31, 2023, the federal government has set up an external (official) reporting office, which is another option for whistleblowers.